Josanie Delvalle-Maldonado joined the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) in March 2019. When she signed up for the program, she stated that her “dream was to purchase a home so that her son had a place to grow up in with his own room, backyard and could eventually be passed down to him when he was older.” When Josanie began the program, she wasn’t working, but soon found a full-time job at Intra-National Home Care and started earning money towards her home purchase by increasing her income and having her higher monthly rental amount placed in an FSS Escrow savings account that she received upon her graduation from the FSS program.
Over a four-year period as part of her FSS Contract Josanie tackled her goals of increasing her credit score by attending one of the financial literacy workshops offered by Heather Yusko from Movement Mortgage that was held at the John E. Horan Garden Apartments (JEHGA) Learning Center. She then attended two home ownership courses, one online through the PHFA Program and another at the JEHGA Learning Center presented by Heather Yusko and began searching for a home. With housing prices skyrocketing and there being more buyers than houses for sale, Josanie spent approximately a year searching for her dream home and eventually found it in June 2023. After four years of hard work and taking advantage of all the benefits offered through the FSS program Josanie graduated from the Family Self-Sufficiency Program on August 1st.
Congratulations to Josanie her family for everything they have achieved.