Social Service Programs
Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program
1015A Tacoma Road, Phone (814) 899-8972 or 899-8820.
Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program
1015A Tacoma Road, Phone (814) 899-8972 or 899-8820.
On-site workforce development specialists assist public housing residents as they work to become self-sufficient. HACE caseworkers help families access social services, implement self-sufficiency plans, develop a budget and set savings goals.
The program, which parallels the Housing Authority’s successful HCV Program Family Self-Sufficiency Program, works this way: participating families agree to work toward becoming economically self-sufficient. When a family enters the program, the Housing Authority establishes an escrow/savings account based on the rental subsidy they receive from the Housing Authority. As the participant moves toward economic self-sufficiency, the tenant’s share of the rent increases. The Housing Authority matches these increases with like-contributions to an interest-bearing escrow savings account for the family.
When the family is self-sufficient – no longer receiving welfare, housing or other government subsidies – the money in the escrowed savings account officially becomes theirs. The savings account can be used as the family pleases – to purchase a house, education, and debt reduction.
Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency Program
1015A Tacoma Road, Phone (814) 899-8977 or 899-8820.
On-site workforce development specialists assist individuals and families in the Authority’s HCV Program as they work to become self-sufficient. Caseworkers help families access social services, implement self-sufficiency plans, develop a budget and set savings goals.
The HCV Program is a federal housing assistance program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Under the HCV Program, eligible families lease a rental unit in the private sector and pay a portion of the rent, generally around 30 percent of their income. The Housing Authority pays the landlord the remaining rent.
The HCV Program Family Self-Sufficiency portion of the program works this way: participating families agree to work toward becoming economically self-sufficient. This means reducing and eventually ending their dependence on welfare and HCV Program financial assistance.
When a family enters the program, the Housing Authority establishes a family escrow/savings account based on the rental subsidy they receive from the HCV Program. As the participant moves toward self-sufficiency (higher wages, education, etc.) the family’s share of their rent increases.
HACE matches these increases with contributions to an interest-bearing escrow account for the benefit of the participant. When the family is self-sufficient, no longer receiving welfare, housing or other subsidies, the money in the escrowed savings account officially becomes theirs, to use however they please, including buying their own homes.
Domestic Abuse Counseling-Safenet
John E. Horan Garden Apartments, 716A Tacoma Road, #2.
Erie Heights, 4026 Garden Avenue.
Confidential counseling for residents who are victims of family/dating violence. Includes referral for emergency shelter, clinical services, support groups and legal advocacy.