Girl Scouts
5681 Route 6N
Edinboro, PA 16412 (Main Office)
(814) 734-3793
The Authority partners with Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania to offer young Authority residents the opportunity to join troops at the John E. Horan Garden Apartments, Harbor Homes, Erie Heights, and John F. Kennedy Center.
The Girl Scout program is designed to help girls ages 6 to 17 grow strong through activities that are fun, personally challenging and designed to build decision-making skills and self-confidence. Activities include camping, hiking, field trips, craft and cooking projects, and meetings, while working toward badges.
Badges are given in arts and crafts, sciences, math, outdoor activities, sports — just about any subject imaginable. Girl Scouts of Penn Lakes Council strives to follow the national scouting leadership philosophy embodied in the Girl Scout mission statement, which is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
At any given time, 60 or more girls residing in Erie Housing Authority developments participate in the Scouting program. Girls who want to join should call the main office at 814 734-3793. For more information about Girls Scouts of Penn Lakes, go to www.gswpa.org.