Housing Authority of the City of Erie
Housing Authority of the City of Erie

Masume Przybylski Appointed Manager of Lake City Office

After 40 years with the Housing of the City of Erie (HACE), Kim Preston has retired from her position as Manager of Lake City Dwellings. Kim began her career at HACE as a clerk typist in the Tenant Selection Department. She progressed through the department ultimately earning the position as Coordinator of the Tenant Selection and Section 8 programs, prior to becoming the Lake City manager. Kim will always be remembered for her unwavering commitment to working with our residents especially youth to achieve self-sufficiency. We are grateful to Kim for her years of service and dedication to the housing authority and our residents. Kim’s last day was December 31, 2020.

Masume Przybylski

Masume Przybylski has been selected as the new Manager for the Lake City Office. Masume has been with HACE for 6 years and recently received her Manager Certification from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO). She is looking forward to growing and learning as a manager, and hopefully inspiring others to grow as well.