Housing Authority of the City of Erie
Housing Authority of the City of Erie

Fireworks Safety

July is a time for fireworks, but it’s important to pay attention to safety when using them!

Many, many people visit the emergency room because of injuries caused by fireworks. Injuries can occur to fingers and hands, as well as eyes when sparks fly. Burns can also happen. If you’re going to be lighting fireworks, here are some tips:

  1. If you’re the person lighting fireworks, wear earplugs or earmuffs. Firework bangs are loud enough to cause hearing damage.https://blogs.cdc.gov/yourhealthyourenvironment/2022/06/13/national-fireworks-safety-month/
  2. Watch children carefully if you let them hold sparklers. Sparklers can heat up to 2,000 degrees (F), hot enough to melt some metals! It does not take long for burns to develop. Consider giving children glowsticks instead. https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/tools-resources/seasonal-safety/summer/fireworks
  3. If you’re going to handle fireworks, avoid alcohol until after you are done. Read more safety tips here: https://www.nsc.org/home-safety/tools-resources/seasonal-safety/summer/fireworks

Finally, just because fireworks are legal in Pennsylvania does not mean they are legal in your backyard. Keep away from buildings when lighting fireworks, and have water nearby to put out small fires if they happen. Read more about the laws in Erie and in Pennsylvania here: https://cityof.erie.pa.us/residents/services/fireworks-faqs/

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