Housing Authority students from the John E. Horan Garden Apartments Dafmark Creative Arts Program participated in their 2nd Annual Youth Art Show, showcasing their artwork at PACA Performing Arts Collective, 1505 State Street. The art on display represents projects that have been created by Housing Authority of the City of Erie youth who participated at the JEHGA Dafmark program during the past 12 months. The students’ art is for sale, and 50% of the profit from the art goes directly to the youth.
Next up, the students will create and star in a live theater production to be performed at Dafmark Dance Theater. Partnerships like this give our youth more opportunities to be successful and have choices as they grow into adulthood and decide what they want to do with their lives. Also located at the JEHGA Dafmark Creative Arts Center is a 1,000-book library in partnership with the Erie County Library giving youth options to check out books and participate in reading programs.